
The InterAktiv association aims to promote the integral social participation of people with disabilities as well as with/without a migrant or fleeing background and their relatives. The accompaniment and care of the client is the main principle of our work. We offer easily accessible consultations and, if necessary, accompany the solving of social, institutional and financial matters. For children, teenagers and young adults with disabilities, there is an opportunity to participate in various childcare programs with different priorities. There are also self-improving and coaching programs that are aimed at empowering, supporting and relieving family members of people with disabilities from their everyday responsibilities. We offer numerous educational, cultural and leisure activities for families with children with/without disabilities as well as with different migrant background and all other interested people. These different events - which also include intercultural festivals and family trips - create useful experience and opportunities to get acquainted with other people and promote intercultural / interreligious dialogue.

  Counselling services for refugees with disabilities and their relatives (AGHB)
A bridge to the health system  

10.02.2025 09:48 / Letzte Aktualisierung: 11.09.2018